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Psycotherapy client

Audrey Barlow
Counselling & Psychotherapy

When a person realises he has been deeply heard, his eyes moisten. I think in some real sense he is weeping for joy.


It is as though he were saying, "Thank God, somebody heard me. Someone knows what it's like to be me"

Carl Rogers

About Me

Audrey holds a BA(Hons) degree in Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy, and a Diploma in Integrative Adolescent Psychotherapy. She incorporates the whole person mind, body and spirit in their therapeutic sessions. Audrey has worked with clients with relationship issues, low self-esteem, have social anxiety or depression, felt the stresses of everyday living, may have suffered abuse, loss or had a difficult childhood where their needs were not met, or experiencing teenage issues.

Are you feeling ill at ease or in distress?


By providing a warm, safe and supportive space Audrey helps her clients find within themselves the clarity, understanding, acceptance and growth, towards a better place in whichever way is best for them. 


Audrey is an accredited member of the Irish Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (IACP).

About therapy...

In a warm, non-judgemental and empathetic manner Audrey supports her clients in the exploration of their life story or issue. If a person is accepted positively and unconditionally for who they are, they learn to value themselves and become less reliant on external values, opinions, and beliefs leading to improvement of their self-esteem, self-acceptance and interpersonal-relationships.


Exploring family values, beliefs and behaviour patterns can open a space for the client to rewrite and create their future story. Supporting the hurt Inner Child to tell their story, be it from the cradle, childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood, helps to unravel the dysfunction from within and aids the client in understanding how they became who they are now, empowering them to engage with the world in a more balanced way. Sometimes we have to slow down to hear ourselves speak.


We enact different types of behaviours in our attempts at dealing with the pain and frustration generated by unsatisfying relationships. Audrey can facilitate with establishing what her client wants, questioning what they are doing to get what they want, evaluating together whether these wants are realistic and achievable, and then helping her clients make a plan to achieve them.


Sessions are custom made to suit each individual's needs, no one approach will suit all clients so an integration of many therapeutic approaches is used.


Audrey Barlow Psychotherapist

My Services

Psychologist Session

Individual Face to Face Therapy

Audrey offers an initial free 10 minutes phone consultation with potential clients (18yrs upwards) to assess if she is the right match for you and the issues you would like to explore.


She likes to work collaboratively with her clients and encourages feedback from them so sessions are custom fit to meet each client's individual needs.


Audrey's face to face sessions are held in Naas, Co. Kildare. All counselling is confidential and adheres to the IACP Code of Ethics.


  • Sessions are 55 minutes long and cost €65

  • Student rate €60 (under 22yrs and trainee therapists)


Adolescent Therapy - 13yrs upwards

Audrey offers a free 10 minutes phone consultation with the parent(s) of the teenager to listen to their concerns and assess the requirements and expectations of both parents and teen.


The initial session is for parents/carers only, to complete an intake form and share their insight into the adolescent's world. This is followed by a parents and teen session, then the adolescent sessions begin. Parental/carer involvement may be required to support the teenager outside of the therapy room. Sessions are custom fit to meet each client's individual needs.


Sessions can be either face to face or walk & talk, in Naas, Co. Kildare, or via Zoom. All counselling is confidential and adheres to the IACP Code of Ethics.


  • Parental/Carer Session is 70 mins and costs €70.

  • Parents & Adolescent Session is 70 mins and costs €70.

  • Adolescent Sessions are 45 mins and cost €55.

  • Parental/Carer Review Sessions are 45 mins and cost €55.


Audrey Barlow Psychotherapy
Psychotherapist Naas

Phone & On-line Therapy

In this day and age we can live busy lives or find it difficult to physically get to a therapy centre, so the option of having your therapy sessions via a phone call or online might appeal to you? Research has proved that the benefit of therapy is not lost by not being physically present in a face to face session.


Audrey offers an initial free 10 minutes phone consultation to assess if she is the right match for you and the issues you would like to explore.


  • Sessions are 55 minutes long and cost €65

  • Student rate €60 (under 22yrs and trainee therapists)


Walk & Talk Therapy

Walk and Talk therapy is the same as individual Face to Face therapy except it is conducted in the outdoors among nature. We can gently stroll side by side, or find a park bench to sit, and explore some of your life experiences in a quiet space. Being among nature has been proved beneficial for positive mental well being.


A suitable park in the surroundings of Naas, Co. Kildare will be used. Wear appropriate footwear and rain-gear.


Audrey offers an initial free 10 minutes phone consultation to assess if she is the right match for you and the issues you would like to explore.


  • Sessions are 55 minutes long and cost €65.


Walk & Talk Therapy
Audrey Barlow Psychotherapist naas

Energy Therapy

Audrey is a certified Energy Therapy Technique therapist.

This technique involving visualisation and breathwork can be very beneficial in shifting psychosomatic/energetic blockages within the client’s body, for retrieving lost parts of self, or for cutting away unhealthy energetic ties and bonds between the client and others, enabling the client to move forward in their life.


Audrey offers an initial free 10 minutes phone consultation to assess if the technique is suitable for you and the issue you would like to breakthrough.


  • Using the Energy Therapy Technique as a stand alone session can take up to 2 hours and costs €95.


  • Using the Energy Therapy Technique with an existing client takes approx 1.5 hours and costs €80.

Contact Me

Audrey Barlow
Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland

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